100 Best No Friends Quotes 100 Fake Friends Quotes

In case you have been searching for “No Friends Quotes” or “Fake Friends Quotes”, then you are at the right place.

You’re not alone if you feel like you have no new friends and don’t know how to make them. Everyone has experienced feelings of loneliness. It can be reassuring to remember that there is nothing wrong with feeling lonely when you are feeling isolated. It is a normal aspect of existence.

Not having friends does not make you weird or unlovable, and spending time alone allows you to turn your attention inside and strengthen your self-love.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about No Friends Quotes. Let us explore

No Friends Quotes And No Time for Fake Friends Quotes

“The number one symptom of standard-setting is loneliness.” —Natasha Adamo

“Realize this: You’ve been rolling with the most badass best friend all along: YOU.” —Natasha Adamo

“Surrender to the ‘I have no friends.’” —Natasha Adamo

“If you’re thinking ‘I have no friends,’ it’s because whatever friendships you’ve had/have lack meaning, connection, and value.” —Natasha Adamo

“‘Why do I have no friends?’ I’ve asked myself this countless times” —Natasha Adamo

“Asking people to hang out makes me feel lame, needy, and desperate” —Chris Macleod

“It’s never too late to work on your issues and have a happy social life.” —Chris Macleod, Worries of People Who Have No Friends, SucceedSocially

“When someone doesn’t have friends, it’s almost never because their core personality is unlikable.” —Chris Macleod, Worries of People Who Have No Friends, SucceedSocially

“Plenty of scummy jerks have large social circles. Lots of good people have been lonely.” —Chris Macleod, Worries of People Who Have No Friends, SucceedSocially

“You … avoid getting involved in friendships as a way to minimize the risk of being disappointed.” —Kendra Cherry, I Don’t Need Friends, VeryWellMind

“Building and maintaining friendships takes time and effort.” —Kendra Cherry, I Don’t Need Friends, VeryWellMind

“You don’t have to be physically alone in order to feel lonely, either—you might feel this way even when you are around other people.” —Kendra Cherry, I Don’t Need Friends, VeryWellMind

“We are all born alone and die alone. The loneliness is definitely part of the journey of life.” —Jenova Chen

“Sometimes the person who tries to keep everyone happy is the most lonely person.” —Unknown

“Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone, and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.” —Paul Tillich

“Even if you have few or no friends, it doesn’t mean that your life is less fulfilling or less valuable.” —Kendra Cherry, I Don’t Need Friends, Verywell Mind

“Your worth isn’t solely determined by your number of friends.” —Chris Macleod, Worries of People Who Have No Friends, SucceedSocially

“Lots of people have had periods in their lives where they had no one to hang out with.” —Chris Macleod, Worries of People Who Have No Friends, SucceedSocially

“”Having no friends must mean I’m totally defective” —Chris Macleod, Worries of People Who Have No Friends, SucceedSocially

“The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love…” —Mother Teresa

“I hate to admit that I feel alone even when I am in a crowd.” —Unknown

“I have a lot of friends, but no best friend. It makes me sad that I have no one I can tell everything to.” —Unknown

“Not everyone has a best friend in life, and that’s okay. “ —Unknown, Is it Normal Not to Have a Best Friend? Liveaboutdotcom

“Maybe it would have been easier if I’d had just one person I could really pour my heart out to.” —Reece, cited in What it Feels Like to Not Have a Bestfriend, Vice

“Best friends are a complex business.” —Daisy Jones, What it Feels Like to Not Have a Bestfriend, Vice

“Best mates aren’t rationed out to everyone, or delivered by default at birth.” —Daisy Jones, What it Feels Like to Not Have a Bestfriend, Vice

“I have friends, but no best friend.” —Unknown

“Once best friends, now strangers with memories.” —Unknown

“No friends, no best friends. Just memories from strangers.” —Pranav Mulay

“That horrible feeling when you feel like you don’t know who your best friend is anymore.” —Unknown

“Close friends are people who aren’t related to you by blood or interested in you romantically – they stay with you because they appreciate who you are.” —Lachlan Brown, “I Have no Close Friends,” Ideapod

“Having close friends who love and support you through good and bad times can be one of the most uplifting things in life.” —Lachlan Brown, “I Have no Close Friends,” Ideapod

“Some people seek isolation, but few choose to be lonely.” —Vanessa Barford, Is Modern Life Making Us Lonely?, BBC

“It’s like a void, a feeling of emptiness.” —Michelle Lloyd, I’m Surrounded by Friends But I Still Feel So Lonely, BBC

“You can have the entire world and still feel completely alone.” —Unknown

“I told my parents that I’m going on holiday by myself because I want to be alone. The truth is that I don’t have friends to go with.” —Unknown

“I have no friends. The more I learn about the dignity of the gorilla, the more I want to avoid people.” —Diane Fossey

“I have no friends because I never go out. I never go out because I have no friends.” —Unknown

“Sad when I only talk to my cats about my personal issues cause I have no friends.” —Unknown

“When you realize you have no friends and your happiness depends on whether or not you can find something to watch on TV..” —Unknown

“Being popular on social media is like sitting at the cool table at the cafeteria of a mental hospital.” —Unknown

“I finally have enough time to realize that I have no friends.” —Unknown

“Loneliness is wanting to connect but being unable to for some reason.” —Gabrielle Applebury, No Family, No Friends, LovetoKnow

“You got this and are never, ever alone.” —Natasha Adamo, How to Enjoy Your Own Company When You Feel Like You Have No One

“Fake friends do nothing but bring you down. They don’t challenge you or make you want to be better.” —Natasha Adamo, Fake Friends

“Just like true love, finding true friendship is RARE.” —Natasha Adamo, Fake Friends

“Sometimes the person you are willing to take the bullet for is the one who pulls the trigger.” —Unknown

“Tighten your circle, Even if it means that you are the only one in it for the time being.” —Natasha Adamo, I Have No Friends

“It’s better to be yourself and have no friends than it is to be like your friends and have no self.” —Unknown

“Fake friends are only capable of a transaction, not a real friendship.” —Natasha Adamo, Fake Friends

“I don’t know who my real friends are, and I’m trapped in a world where I have nowhere to go.” —Unknown

“The ability to put up with fake friends will always tie into how willing you are to continue being a fake friend to yourself.” —Natasha Adamo, Fake Friends

“I got no friends, I got no family, I got no love, I got no happiness. But I have pain that keeps me alive.” —Ro-Ro

“I would prefer to have no money but to have a nice family and good friends.” —Li Na

“If you don’t have your friends and your family, what do you really have? You can have all the money in the world, but with no friends and no family, it’s no good.” —Meek Mill

“There is no room for unsupportive friends and family, only space for positivity.” —Unknown

“Family is not about blood. It’s about who is willing to hold your hand when you need it most.” —Unknown

“There is no room for unsupportive friends and family, only space for positivity.” —Unknown

“I keep my circle very small, but the level of trust, joy, meaning, and connection makes me PROUD of that number, never ashamed.” —Natasha Adamo, I Have No Friends

“Disappointed, but not surprised.” —Unknown

“People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don’t think that’s true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world.” —Kim Culbertson

“You are not a ‘bad’ person for having boundaries with fake friends” —Natasha Adamo, Fake Friends

“A fake friend’s sense of superiority depends on you feeling inferior.” —Natasha Adamo, Fake Friends

“There are people in your life who simply do not want the best for you. Your success is their failure. Period.” —Natasha Adamo, Fake Friends

“I couldn’t attract a connected, empathetic, and mutual romantic relationship to save my life.” —Natasha Adamo, I Have No Friends

“And in the end, all I learned was how to be strong alone.” —Unknown

“If you have no family support, sorry. I know how much that hurts.” —Unknown

“It is such a melancholy feeling when you hear people talk about their families and how they do things with them and spend time with them.” —Unknown

“If you don’t have a family, know that you can create your own by surrounding yourself with healthy and supportive individuals who care about you.” —Gabrielle Applebury, No Family, No Friends, LovetoKnow

“No one enjoys being away from friends and family.” —Roger Glover

“No family. No friends. No colleagues. No lovers. Sometimes, not even God is with you. It is just you, all by yourself.” —Bhairavi Sharma

“You have family, you just need to find us! We have experienced heartache and sadness as well, and are looking for people to give our love to.” —Christina Michael

“If you have any sort of success or milestone, there’s nobody to celebrate with.” —Lisa Keen

“There’s a lot of things you miss out on without family. Holidays are the worst. While everyone is having get-togethers, dinners, parties, BBQs—you aren’t. If you can get hours at work on those days, you do.” —Lisa Keen

“Knowing how to enjoy your own company is an art.” —Natasha Adamo, How to Enjoy Your Own Company When You Feel Like You Have No One

“What a lovely surprise to discover how unlonely being alone can be.” —Ellen Burstyn

“When you’re on your own, this is the opportunity to really experience yourself.” —Russell Brand

“People don’t understand that sitting in your house alone in peace, eating snacks and minding your own business is f*cking priceless.” —Tom Hardy

“I am my own best friend, first and foremost.” —Natasha Adamo, How to Enjoy Your Own Company When You Feel Like You Have No One

“Weak people always have to be in a relationship so they can feel important and loved. Once you know how to enjoy your own company, being single becomes a privilege.” —Tom Hardy

“There’s no point in having a ton of friends who won’t be there when you’re down.” —Unknown

“And all I loved, I loved alone.” —Edgar Allan Poe

“Being alone doesn’t automatically translate to feelings of loneliness, and it isn’t necessarily a problem in need of fixing.” —Kendra Cherry

“Whether your lack of friends is detrimental to your well-being really depends on your perspective and how you feel about it.” —Kendra Cherry

“I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.” —Oscar Wilde

“She doesn’t belong to anyone, and I think that’s the most divine thing about her. She’s found love within herself, and she’s completely alone.” —Disha Rajani

“When you realize that you actually feel more alone in relationships with toxic people than if you were physically alone, you start to prioritize your peace.” —Natasha Adamo

“Being alone for a while is dangerous. It’s addicting. Once you see how peaceful it is, you don’t want to deal with people anymore.” —Tom Hardy

“The most real people don’t have a lot of friends” —Tupac

“You don’t need a social life to go out and do fun, interesting things.” —Chris Macleod

“While your friends are getting drunk, you may find yourself getting inspired.” ——Tom Jacobs

“Anxiety-free time spent in solitude may allow for, and foster, creative thinking.” —Tom Jacobs

“While some people need a lot of social time, others don’t.” —Crystal Raypole

“Being alone grants you the freedom to stay fully present with your true self and experience things as you truly see them.” —Crystal Raypole

“Unsociability isn’t a negative thing — it just means that you don’t particularly care whether you interact with others.” —Crystal Raypole

“It really comes down to what you want.” —Crystal Raypole

“There’s a big difference between thinking ‘I don’t need friends’ and ‘I don’t have friends.’” —Kendra Cherry

“Being on your own can have a number of benefits” —Kendra Cherry

“Do not chase people. Be you and do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay.” —Unknown

“I’ve come to realize that the only people I need in my life are the ones who need me in theirs, even when I have nothing else to offer them but myself.” —Unknown

“I don’t have no friends. I don’t want any friends. That’s how I feel.” —Terrell Owens

“Being alone has a power that very few people can handle.” —Steven Aitchison

“When you truly know how to enjoy your own company, you are immune to a ‘needy’ label.” —Natasha Adamo

“While friendship can have benefits, you might feel like you don’t need friends.” —Kendra Cherry

“The effects of not having friends may depend on your perspective.” —Kendra Cherry

“Having a wide circle of friends isn’t necessary as long as you feel like you have the support that you need.” —Kendra Cherry

“Some people tend to prefer solitude over being in the company of others.” —Kendra Cherry

“You don’t actively dislike anyone, but you don’t enjoy small talk and prefer to avoid sharing personal details.” —Crystal Raypole
