A.D. | in the year of our Lord (Anno Domini) | time |
a.m., A.M | before noon; morning (ante meridiem) | time |
AAHPERD | American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance | education |
AASA | American Association of School Administrators | education |
abbr. | abbreviation | other |
acct. | accountant | other |
ad lib | improvise (ad libitum) | other |
AD/HD | Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder | education |
adj | adjective | parts of speech |
adv | adverb | parts of speech |
AFT | American Federation of Teachers | education |
AK | Alaska | states, territories & countries |
AKA | also know as | other |
AL, Ala. | Alabama | states, territories & countries |
alt. | alternate, altitude | other |
Am., Amer. | America, American | states, territories & countries |
amt. | amount | measurement |
anon | anonymous | other |
ans | answer | other |
AP | Advanced Placement | education |
Apr. | April | months of the year |
AR, Ark. | Arkansas | states, territories & countries |
arith. | arithmetic | other |
art. | article | parts of speech |
ASCD | Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development | education |
assn., assoc. | association | other |
asst. | assistant | other |
atty. | attorney | other |
Aug. | august | months of the year |
Ave. | avenue | street & roads |
AZ, Ariz. | Arizona | states, territories & countries |
Azerb | Azerbaijan | states, territories & countries |
B.A. | Bachelor of Arts | degrees |
B.C. | before Christ | time |
B.S. | Bachelor of Science | degrees |
bet. | between | other |
bib. | bibliography | other |
biog. | biography | other |
bldg. | building | other |
Blvd. | boulevard | street & roads |
Br., Brit. | British | other |
bro | brother | other |
bros | brothers | other |
bu. | bushel | measurement |
C | Celsius, centigrade | measurement |
c. | carat, cent, centimeter, century, chapter & cup | measurement / other |
C.E. | Common Era | time |
CA, cal., Calif. | California | states, territories & countries |
Can., Canad. | Canada, Canadian | states, territories & countries |
cap. | capital, capitalize | other |
Capt. | captain | military titles |
cc | cubic centimeter | measurement |
CEC | Council for Exceptional Children | education |
CEEB | College Entrance Exam Board | education |
cert. | certificate | other |
ch. | church | other |
chap., ch. | chapter | other |
cm | centimeter | measurement |
CO, Col. | Colorado | states, territories & countries |
Co. | company, county | other |
COD | cash on delivery, collect on delivery | other |
col. | column | other |
Col. | Colonel | military titles |
conj | conjunction | parts of speech |
Corp. | corporation | other |
CT, Conn. | Connecticut | states, territories & countries |
ct. | cent, court | other |
cu. | cubic | measurement |
CZ | Canal Zone | states, territories & countries |
D.D. | Doctor of Divinity | degrees |
D.D.S. | Doctor of Dental Surgery | degrees |
DC | District of Columbia | states, territories & countries |
DE, Del. | Delaware | states, territories & countries |
Dec. | December | months of the year |
dept. | department | other |
diam. | diameter | measurement |
div. | division | other |
D.M.D. | Doctor of Dental Medicine | degrees |
doz. | dozen | measurement |
Dr. | doctor | titles |
Dr. | drive | streets & roads |
DST | daylight saving time | time |
E | east, eastern & excellent | other |
e.g. | for example (exempli gratia) | other |
ea. | each | other |
ed. | edition | other |
Ed.D | Doctor of Education | degrees |
EH | Emotionally Handicap | education |
elec. | electric | other |
ELL | English Language Learner | education |
Eng. | English | other |
ERIC | Educational Resources Information Center | education |
ESL | English as a Second Language | education |
esp. | especially | other |
Esq. | Esquire | titles |
et al | and others (et alia) | other |
etc. | et cetera (and others) | other |
ETS | Educational Testing Service | education |
ex. | example | other |
F | Fahrenheit | measurement |
f. | female | other |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation | other |
Feb. | February | months of the year |
fem. | feminine | other |
fig. | figure | other |
FL, Fla. | Florida | states, territories & countries |
freq. | frequency | other |
Fri., Fr. | Friday | days of the week |
ft. | feet, foot & fort | measurement |
G | good | other |
g. | gram | measurement |
GA, Ga. | Georgia | states, territories & countries |
gal. | gallon | measurement |
GB | gigabyte | measurement |
GED | General Educational Development Test (high school equivalency test) | education |
Gen. | General | military titles |
geog. | geographic, geographical & geography | other |
gm | gram | measurement |
gov. | governor | titles |
govt. | government | other |
gt. | great | other |
GU | Guam | states, territories & countries |
H.M.S. | His (Her) Majesty's Ship | other |
H.R.H | Her (His) Royal Highness | titles |
H.S. | high school | other |
Herz. | Herzegovina | states, territories & countries |
HI | Hawaii | states, territories & countries |
Hon. | Honorable | titles |
hosp. | hospital | other |
hr. | hour | time |
ht. | height | measurement |
Hwy. | Highway | streets & roads |
i.e. | that is (that is) | other |
IA, Ia. | Iowa | states, territories & countries |
ibid | in the same place (ibidem) | other |
ID | Idaho | states, territories & countries |
ID | identification | other |
IEP | Individualized Education Plan | education |
IL, Ill. | Illinois | states, territories & countries |
illus. | illustration | other |
IN, Ind. | Indiana | states, territories & countries |
in. | inch | measurement |
Inc. | incorporated | other |
incl. | including | other |
Ind. | Indian | other |
interj | interjection | parts of speech |
intrans. | intransitive | other |
intro | introduction | other |
IRA | International Reading Associations | education |
Jan. | January | months of the year |
jour. | journal | other |
Jr., jun. | junior | titles |
Jul. | July | months of the year |
K | Kelvin | measurement |
KB | kilobyte | measurement |
kg | kilogram | measurement |
km | kilometer | measurement |
KS, Kan., Kans. | Kansas | states, territories & countries |
KY, Ky. | Kentucky | states, territories & countries |
L | liter, large & left | measurement / other |
LA, La. | Louisiana | states, territories & countries |
lat. | latitude | other |
lb | pound | measurement |
LD | Learning Disabled | education |
LDA | Learning Disabilities Association | education |
LEP | Limited English Proficiency | education |
Ln. | Lane | streets & roads |
long. | longitude | other |
LRE | Least Restrictive Environment | education |
Lt. | lieutenant | military titles |
ltd. | limited | other |
m. | meter, mile & male | measurement / other |
M.A. | Masters of Arts | degrees |
M.D. | Doctor of Medicine | degrees |
MA, Mass. | Massachusetts | states, territories & countries |
mag. | magazine | other |
Maj. | major | military titles |
Mar. | march | months of the year |
masc. | masculine | other |
math | mathematics | other |
MB | megabyte | measurement |
MD, Md. | Maryland | states, territories & countries |
mdse. | merchandise | other |
ME, Me. | Maine | states, territories & countries |
med. | medium | other |
MENC | National Association for Music Education | education |
Mex. | Mexican & Mexico | states, territories & countries |
mg | milligram | measurement |
mgr. | manager | other |
MH | Mentally Handicapped | education |
MI, Mich. | Michigan | states, territories & countries |
min. | minute | time |
misc. | miscellaneous | other |
ml | milliliter | measurement |
mm | millimeter | measurement |
MN, Minn. | Minnesota | states, territories & countries |
MO, Mo. | Missouri | states, territories & countries |
mo. | month | time |
Mon. | Monday | days of the week |
mpg | miles per gallon | measurement |
mph | miles per hour | measurement |
Mr. | Mister | titles |
Mrs. | Miss (married) | titles |
MS, Miss. | Mississippi | states, territories & countries |
Ms. | Miss | titles |
MT, Mont. | Montana | states, territories & countries |
mt. | mountain & mount | other |
n | noun | parts of speech |
N | north & northern | other |
NAEA | National Art Education Association | education |
NAEP | National Assessment of Educational Progress | education |
NAESP | National Association of Elementary School Principles | education |
NAEYC | National Association for the Education of Young People | education |
NASSP | National Association of Secondary School Principals | education |
NC | North Carolina | states, territories & countries |
NCATE | National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education | education |
NCEA | National Catholic Educational Association | education |
NCES | National Center for Educational Statistics | education |
NCPT | National Congress of Parents and Teachers | education |
NCSS | National Council for Social Studies | education |
NCTE | National Council of Teachers of English | education |
NCTM | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | education |
ND, N. Dak. | North Dakota | states, territories & countries |
NE | northeast | other |
NE, Neb., Nebr. | Nebraska | states, territories & countries |
NEA | National Education Association | education |
neg. | negative | other |
neut. | neuter | other |
NH | New Hampshire | states, territories & countries |
NJ | New Jersey | states, territories & countries |
NM, N. Mex. | New Mexico | states, territories & countries |
no. | north & number | other |
Nov. | November | months of the year |
NSF | National Science Foundation | education |
NSTA | National Science Teachers Association | education |
NV, Nev. | Nevada | states, territories & countries |
NY | New York | states, territories & countries |
NZ | New Zealand | states, territories & countries |
obj. | object & objective | other |
Oct. | October | months of the year |
off. | office | other |
OH | Ohio | states, territories & countries |
OK, Okla. | Oklahoma | states, territories & countries |
opp. | opposite | other |
OR, Ore., Oreg. | Oregon | states, territories & countries |
oz. | ounce | measurement |
p. | page | other |
P.O. | post office | other |
PA, Pa., Penn. & Penna. | Pennsylvania | states, territories & countries |
part. | participle | other |
pat. | patient | other |
pd. | paid | other |
pg. | page | other |
Ph.D. | Doctor of Philosophy | degrees |
pk. | peck & park | measurement / other |
pkg. | package | other |
Pkwy. | Parkway | streets & roads |
pl. | plural | other |
PM, p.m. | afternoon/evening (post meridiem) | time |
pn, pron | pronoun | parts of speech |
pop. | population | other |
poss. | possessive | other |
pp | pages | other |
PR | Puerto Rico | states, territories & countries |
pr. | pair | other |
prep | preposition | parts of speech |
Pres. | President | titles |
prin. | principal | other |
prof. | professor | titles |
PS | public school & post script | other |
pt. | pint | measurement |
pt. | point | other |
PTA | Parent-Teacher Association | education |
PTO | paid time off | other |
PTO | Parent-Teacher Organization | education |
qt. | quart | measurement |
r. | right | other |
R.N. | Registered Nurse | degrees |
R.S.V.P | please reply | other |
rd. | rod | other |
Rd. | Road | streets & roads |
rec'd., recd | received | other |
ref. | referee & reference | other |
reg. | region & regular | other |
res. | residence | other |
Rev. | Reverend | titles |
RFD | rural free delivery | other |
RI | Rhode island | states, territories & countries |
rpm | revolutions per minute | measurement |
RR | railroad | other |
rt. | right | other |
rte. | route | other |
Russ Fed | Russian Federation | other |
S | south, southern, small & satisfactory | other |
SAT | Scholastic Aptitude Test | education |
Sat. | Saturday | days of the week |
SC | South Carolina | states, territories & countries |
sci. | science | other |
SD, S. Dak. | South Dakota | states, territories & countries |
SE | southeast | other |
sec. | second | time |
Sept. | September | months of the year |
Sgt. | Sergeant | military titles |
SI | International System of Units | other |
sing. | singular | other |
so. | south | other |
sq | square | other |
Sr. | Sister & Senior | titles |
SS | steamship | other |
st. | state | states, territories & countries |
St. | street | street & roads |
St. | saint | other |
subj. | subject | other |
Sun. | Sunday | days of the week |
Supt. | Superintendent | titles |
SW | southwest | other |
T | TRUE | other |
tbsp., tbs. | tablespoon | measurement |
TD | touchdown | other |
tel. | telephone | other |
Thurs., Thu., & Thur. | Thursday | days of the week |
TN, Tenn. | Tennessee | states, territories & countries |
trans. | transitive | other |
tsp. | teaspoon | measurement |
Tue., Tues. | Tuesday | days of the week |
TX, Tex. | Texas | states, territories & countries |
UN | United Nation | states, territories & countries |
univ. | university | other |
US | United States | states, territories & countries |
USA | United States of America | states, territories & countries |
USSR | Union of Soviet Republics | states, territories & countries |
usu. | usually & usual | other |
UT | Utah | states, territories & countries |
v, vb. | verb | parts of speech |
v.i. | verb intransitive | parts of speech |
v.t. | verb transitive | parts of speech |
Va., VA | Virginia | states, territories & countries |
var. | variant | other |
vet | veterinarian & veteran | other |
VG | very good | other |
VI | Virgin Islands | states, territories & countries |
vocab. | vocabulary | other |
vol. | volume & volunteer | measurement / other |
VP | vice president | titles |
vs. | versus | other |
VT, Vt. | Vermont | states, territories & countries |
W | west & western | other |
WA, Wash. | Washington | states, territories & countries |
Wed. | Wednesday | days of the week |
WI, Wis., Wisc. | Wisconsin | states, territories & countries |
wk. | week | time |
wt. | weight | measurement |
WV, W. VA. | West Virginia | states, territories & countries |
www | world wide web | other |
WY, Wyo. | Wyoming | states, territories & countries |
yd. | yard | measurement |
yr. | year | time |