How to get value of formcontrol in Angular?

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework used for building web applications. One of its essential features is the ability to create reactive forms which allow users to enter data and perform validations on that data. Forms in Angular are built using the FormGroup and FormControl classes, and they provide methods to easily retrieve and manipulate form values. In this article, we will explore how to get the value of a FormControl in Angular.

Before diving into how to get the value of a FormControl, let’s first understand what a FormControl is. A FormControl is a class that represents an individual input field within a form. It tracks the value and validation status of the input field and provides methods to retrieve and update its value.

To get the value of a FormControl in Angular, we can use the `value` property of the FormControl instance. This property returns the current value of the form control. For example, if we have a FormControl named “name” representing an input field for the user’s name, we can get its value using the following code:

const nameValue = form.get(‘name’).value;

The `form.get(‘name’)` method returns the FormControl instance with the name “name”, and then we access its `value` property to get the actual value.

Table of Contents

How to get the value of a FormControl in Angular?

**To get the value of a FormControl in Angular, use the `value` property of the FormControl instance.**


1. How can I get the value of a FormControl if I have nested FormGroups?

You can use the dot notation to access the nested FormControl’s value. For example: `form.get(‘’).value`.

2. Can I access the value of a FormControl before the form is submitted?

Yes, you can access the value of a FormControl at any time, even before the form is submitted.

3. What happens if I try to access the value of a FormControl that is not yet initialized?

If you try to access the value of a FormControl that is not yet initialized, it will return `null`.

4. How can I check if a FormControl has a value or is empty?

You can use the `value` property of the FormControl instance to check if it has a value or is `null` or `undefined`.

5. Can I get the value of a disabled FormControl?

Yes, disabling a FormControl does not prevent you from accessing its value. You can still get the value using the `value` property.

6. How can I get the initial value of a FormControl?

To get the initial value of a FormControl, you can store it in a separate variable when the form is initialized or reset and use that variable whenever needed.

7. How can I get the value of a FormControl inside a reactive form array?

You can use the `at()` method of the FormArray to access the FormControl at a specific index, and then use the `value` property to get its value.

8. What if my FormControl’s value is an object?

If the value of your FormControl is an object, you can access its properties using the dot notation. For example: `form.get(‘’).value`.

9. How can I get the current value of a FormControl in a form control event handler?

Inside a form control event handler, you can use the `this.form.get(‘name’).value` to get the current value of a FormControl.

10. How can I get the value of a specific FormControl in a form with multiple ControlGroups?

You can use the `get()` method on the top-level FormGroup to access the specific FormControl, and then use the `value` property to get its value.

11. How can I get the value of a FormControl in a template?

In the template, you can use the `formControlName` directive along with the `value` property to get the value of a FormControl. For example: `{{ form.get(‘name’).value }}`.

12. Can I get the value of a FormControl using a different key, not just the control name?

Yes, you can use the `get()` method on the FormGroup or FormArray with a different key to access the FormControl, and then use the `value` property to get its value.

In conclusion, getting the value of a FormControl in Angular is straightforward. By using the `value` property of the FormControl instance, you can easily retrieve the current value of the form control. Whether it is a simple FormControl or part of a nested FormGroup, you can access its value at any time to perform any necessary operations.
